štvrtok 27. júna 2013

Vacation on your own

Avoid this year on your vacation crowded beaches and hotels and book your accommodation Croatia through the portal Adriaticana.sk. Small cozy apartment somewhere private, away from the noisy holidaymakers will make you feel like locals, and also the prices are much lower than in hotels or guest houses.
Two years ago we went with my family on vacation in Croatia for the first time without advanced booking through a travel agency. Our friends persuade us that get accommodation in place there will be no problem; we will find apartments at every turn. We decided to try and find out how much such vacation on our own is cheaper. After arrival to Istria, we managed to find apartment in a small town, far from the nightlife, but close to the beach, right on the 1st attempt at an affordable price. However, after a few days we decided that we would like to see more of the country and so we packed up and headed down south. Along the way we admired the incredibly beautiful view of the Adriatic highway, from one side surrounded by mountains and on the other hand, the endless blue sea with islands. We did not hurry with searching for accommodation, after the experience in Istria we thought it would be no problem. After dinner in the small port town we started looking, board accommodation were known everywhere, but after more than an hour passing all the accommodation croatia we failed to find any available rooms. Still was not too late, so we have decided to try our luck in another city. Again futile effort, all occupied. We could do nothing but go and look in other cities. After a few unsuccessful attempts, luck finally smiled on us and we managed to find accommodation in a house, albeit a little higher price than we planned, but had no power left for another search. Although we had planned to go on a few days later in the road, we decided to play it safe and stayed there until the end of our holiday.

Vacation without the travel agency have more charm than organized holiday but without secure accommodation in advance we do not go, you'd better choose in advance apartments Croatia, to avoid tedious search.

pondelok 17. júna 2013

Fotbaltour CZ

If you are a football fan and you would like to watch your favorite game live at the stadium, here I present you a company that arranges fotbalové zájezdy anywhere in Europe for great prices. Fotbaltour will sort out all the important things around your trip, all you need to do is get to the meeting point, have fun and enjoy.  The price includes ticket for a football match, travel insurance, three star hotel for as many nights as you wish to stay, a tour guide around the town before or after the match, you can also visit other famous stadium, you can also shop souvenirs, if you would like, you can also see historical monuments, eat at the best restaurants and visit traditional pubs and bars.  For zájezdy na fotbal you can travel on your own or you can travel with your best friend, son, brother-in-law etc. Fotbaltour can also set up a tour for work colleagues – teambuilding or bonding time with the boss as well, or even a VIP fotbalové zájezdy. Football tour is perfect also as a birthday gift or gift for other occasion from wife to her husband, or from father to his son, or girlfriend to her boyfriend.  Check out their website for more information today, book your desired match and just enjoy. 

štvrtok 13. júna 2013

Eating habits on a vacation

How many of you are cooking meals on a vacation and how many of you are eating in the restaurants? I was the one eating always in the restaurants. Lately I realized that if I make my own breakfast and supper, I feel better and I also save some money. Among other things, we are all accustomed to some our diet and changed the country and eating at restaurants can sometimes cause considerable stomach or intestinal problems. Not to mention those people who have celiac disease, intolerance to lactose and other difficulties, which are now widespread among people in our country and around the world. I am no exception. That is why eating well is very important to me. However, I am of the opinion that if you are visiting a foreign country, you should learn about its beauty, customs and culture, as well as food. That is why I have proposed an eating plan and I am trying to comply on any vacation.

How many of you have had a seven or ten day vacation and half of it spent at the local ambulance or just lying in a bed with pain killers? It is a very common condition for many people, because our bodies and our metabolism reacts to every change you undergo - internal or external. Changing the landscape, its climate, air and food, the time difference, even tap water - all this affects our body. If a person therefore weaker immune or susceptible to such changes will be reflected almost immediately. It is important that your body has enough time to adapt to these changes. Therefore, at least the first two days is best not try anything exotic and new to eat or drink. For many people has also showed allergic reaction, when they have tried for instance a new type of fruit.

Give space for your body to adapt to the new environment and enjoy your vacation to the fullest.

MJA international language agency

Language training or learning is classified as lifelong learning. It is never too late or too early to start learning another language and everyone can use it everywhere, at any job, in all the countries in the world. Language study is great for all the young people not only to learn the actual language, but also to meet more people, make new friends, learn about other cultures and many fun and adventurous experiences. Some young people are still a little bit “lost” and they are looking for their own path in their life and such studies abroad can help them a lot to figure out what they would like to do and so on. People might also find that abroad study methods are different, innovative and unique. Learning a foreign language has increasingly positive impact on people and their future. Probably the best thing about language course abroad is traveling. There is such wide range of language training companies and the countries you might visit, e.g. USA, Italy, Scotland, London, Australia, Florida, France, Canada, but also Mexico, China, Chile, Cuba, and exotic countries like Ecuador and Peru. There are many more countries of course, all you need to know is, what language you would like to learn.
There are many agencies that organizes language courses, but if you choose international language agency MJA http://www.kurzy-pobyty.sk/ , you get the best motivation, experiences, results.